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Read This If You Often Get Overwhelmed By Your Emotions

It’s perfectly human and there are several ways to get over and get better at handling your emotions

Ayo Yissa
4 min readJun 16, 2021


Being human sucks sometimes. You have this superpower called hindsight that can make decisions you took in real-time make you feel very stupid. The majority of those decisions are based on emotions. Sentimentality while having its advantages is more often than not annoying and there are times when you wish you can turn it off and just be a robot.

I have a couple of friends that don’t seem to feel anything and I’m so jealous of them a lot of the time, they don’t seem to be swayed by love or anger or fear, sometimes they don’t even seem to have a drop of dopamine in their body. Living life like that can seem very attractive at first but looking deeper, life is so much better and much more enjoyable when there’s emotion attached which is why what you need is Emotional Intelligence and not yanking the whole emotion package out.

It’s better to know what to feel, when to feel, how to feel it rather than just being a computer that accepts and gives out information in the same bland form. You’re not a python script, you’re a living creature that can feel overwhelming at times but which will serve you much better in the long run if you learn to trust your emotions. Here are a couple of things to help you get to grips with your emotions.

How You React Isn’t Wholly Determined by You

Emotions and How You Feel In Certain Situations are the majority of the time not determined by only you. Many factors have overbearing weight in those situations, including culture, tradition, environment, and upbringing. Realizing that you might not have had the biggest say in your reactions to situations will help you forgive yourself for your past behaviours and help you get better at making new ones.

Exposing yourself to differing world views, train of thoughts, schools of understanding, trying to figure out why people make what you may consider strange reactions to a situation may or may not affect certain moments in your life but if you open your mind to *beneficial* and varying views, you will react better in situations which can only be beneficial to you in the long run.

Search for and then Savour Happiness

Happiness is possibly the best of emotions. It has this power to make you see everything as good and when you hit the sweet spot of being so euphoric that nothing could ruin your mood, that’s a good place to be. We often tend to do our best when we enjoy what we’re doing. Constantly being in that mood is nigh on impossible but it’s a very nice place to be, constantly search for it, constantly try your best to be there cause you’re at an optimal level when you’re happy. Understanding when you’re happy, knowing what got you there, finding and discovering your happy place can be very beneficial in helping you recover and get out of emotionally tense situations.

Stop Taking Things Personally

I recently watched a Ted Talk by Frederik Imbo and I think it applies amazingly. It’s amazing how easily people can have a huge effect on your mood. Sometimes, you can feel like crap because of the way someone else randomly does something but “It’s not always about you”, someone might not checking up on you because they have a ton of stuff to do and may not even have time for themselves. Understanding the person’s view will help you understand some decisions that people make. It’s quite simple to say in theory I know. If you’re feeling criticized and you take it personally, it’s simply because you believe it and in that case, give yourself a little empathy, you deserve it.


There’s a need to be self-aware and that stems from you actively knowing yourself in situations. You’re feeling down, why? What exactly is wrong… what is the exact emotion you’re feeling. Are you sad? Angry? Hungry? Afraid… The tendency to generalize our emotions and not deal with what exactly is troubling us can have a crippling effect. Being unaware leads us to not knowing how to react or even remedy ourselves in those situations.

You have a duty to yourself to always be the best that you can be and in this high-strung, highly offensive world that we live in, getting your emotions under check can help make you stronger and rise above the emotional burden we usually put ourselves under. So, in summary.

Expose Yourself To Different Ideas and Experiences to Understand Life More.

Happiness is possibly the best emotion. Always be striving to be in a happy place.

Don’t take things too personally. It’s not always about you.

Be Deliberate and Intentional about your Self-Awareness Journey.

People might do anything to you, might offend you, dismiss you, insult you but you’ll always keep your value cause you have your emotions in check and you’re not reacting to it in a way where what they say becomes the truth. I hope this helps you become a better version of yourself.

